Entry Level Automatic Tray Sealing Machines ReeBasic and ReeEco
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Entry Level Automatic Tray Sealing Machines ReeBasic and ReeEco
The Reepack entry-level automatic tray sealers ReeBasic and ReeEco operate exclusively on electricity, these models do not require compressed air and/or water cooling systems. This technology makes it possible to reduce maintenance costs, ensuring more efficient and profitable production.
These machines offer the possibility of obtaining from 4 up to 40 packs per minute. And the possibility of being configured for Modified Atmosphere (MAP), or in some cases even for Skin (VSP).
All these models are suitable to work with any kind of heat-sealable material such as PP, PE, PS, C-PET, A-PET, Cardboard, Alu, and others.
Categories Fill & Seal Machines, Machinery Solutions, Tray Sealing Machines
Tags Meat & Poultry, Ready Meals